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What we’re about

Keep Agile - Meet-up

We will be alternating between Scrum Master Clinics and Agile meet-up on a monthly basis. These sessions will be in the evening in Guildford, Surrey so all the hard working Agile practitioners in the South of England who haven’t got time to get into the excellent events in London have a more convenient alternative.

Scrum Master Clinic - Sharing the knowledge and experience of the facilitators and attendees to assist new Scrum Master or those interested in expanding their Agile and Scrum knowledge and skills.

Agile Meetup - Traditional Agile Meetups to share experiences from the trenches, with exercises, workshops and presentations to help you make sense of the ever changing Agile environment. Learn from our mistakes (there are plenty) and help each other find the answers to the questions important to you.

Facilitated by Chris Davey & Malcolm Lisle
Over 40 years combined IT experience in both permanent and contract roles with some of the most trusted brands and big names in the UK. We’ve assisted teams and organisation from those just starting in Agile to those experienced in Agile seeking yet further improvements. From those who freely admit knowing nothing to those who think they know it all. So we have one or two tails hints and tips to share.

Chris Davey - Steelcurve Ltd - (

In the last 20+ years I’ve worked as everything from network administrator to software engineering manager, I even did my time as a project manager. I’ve learnt the hard way why businesses need to adapt, experiment and learn. For nearly 10 years I’ve either been managing development teams or acting as their agile guide. In this time I’ve witnessed chaos, waterfalls, v-models all create a happily opaque quagmire in which waste can hide. I’ve also witnessed amazing transformations in which inspection and adaptation in a transparent way has transformed teams and organisations for the better.

Malcolm Lisle - Scrum Intelligence Ltd. (

I have been working in IT for 20 years +, all the time waiting for that tap on the shoulder and the voice in the ear saying
“ok, jokes over, you obviously don't belong here”
but so far it has not happened, so I must be doing something right.

I have been through the Scrum zealot phase and the “if it’s not in the Scrum Guide it isn't Scrum” phase, and now, with no small measure of experience, victories and failures, feel confident enough to say I have not found the best way to do Agile and Scrum because there is no single way to do it right.
If it was that easy we would all be doing it right.