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What we’re about

Welcome to Kelowna's Soulful Death Cafe! A space for real, open conversations about death and dying, to bring the beauty, mystery and celebration of death back into life.
Death Cafe is an in person, group directed
discussion about death, with no objectives,
agenda or themes. It's not a grief support or
counselling session, with no intention of
leading people to any conclusion, product,
or course of action - it's a space to talk
about being mortal as a means to make the
most of life.

The Death Cafe's will be held in local Cafe's approximately monthly

*This is a safe and confidential space,
meaning details of what is said here, and
who said it, is not shared with people not
*This is open to, and respectful of people
from all communities and belief systems.
*We listen with curiosity and compassion,
and resist the urge to fix or advise
*We share the airtime giving everyone an
opportunity to contribute to the
conversation, but speaking is always