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Walt Whitman Meditation

From: Neil R.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 10:28 PM

On May 31 at noon, I plan on meditating at Joaquin Miller's cabin in celebration of Walt Whitman's 198th birthday.  The cabin is in Rock Creek Park along Beach Drive.

I know it's not a great time for most people...but I took the day off.  I had been planning on traveling to Camden, NJ to celebrate at his tomb with a number of East Coast Whitman and poetry enthusiasts but it has been called off and moved to Brooklyn this year. 

I plan on meditating using Whitman's practice...and I still hope to lead our group through this exercise later in the summer or Fall.  The meditation as Whitman practiced it was mostly silent with an introduction he used to expand his mind horizons.  We will read some of his meditation influenced poetry before to set the context and afterward to frame it up.  The meditation itself will be 30 minutes and the whole activity and hour. 

In the Journal of Integral Theory in 2014, I posited that among the first, if not first integral American was Whitman - as he consciously used an approach toward self realization framed in the four quadrants.  If any folks from our group attend, I will also contextualize this in Integral practices.  

More information on his meditation can be found at:

Please contact me if you plan on attending. 

Love always, Neil

Neil Richardson
[address removed]

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