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What we’re about

This group was formed by a couple of Kirtan loving Yoginis who want to spread the word of the many beautiful local offerings happening by very talented artists that come through the South Jersey and surrounding areas to different studios and venues— right here in our backyard, without even having to travel!  

Coming together in this way brings a high vibrational healing power of community that promotes world peace, self love and liberation. We support kirtan & sacred sound events that promotes gathering together as community in peaceful & expansive ways. 

We will be posting different offerings happening in local yoga studio and public venues as we find them; if you know of any, please send us a link so we take a look and possible post if it fits our intentions.

Whether you are new to kirtan, or a seasoned chanter, all are all warmly welcomed. 


With love, Julie Fischer and Rhonda Leone

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu

 (May All Beings be Free and Happy )