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What we’re about

The Meetup of Kitsap Homeschoolers strives to foster meaningful connections between our members that are based on trust, respect, shared values, and experiences within our group. We believe that these connections are essential to providing a sense of belonging and community, as well as allowing members to collaborate, share ideas and foster meaningful relationships. We are committed to providing resources and support to help our members form meaningful connections and build strong relationships. We are especially dedicated to helping new members feel connected and we try to reach out to them individually when they request membership in the group.

Because we value online safety and meaningful connections, before approval to our Meetup group we will have you meet with one of our coordinators for a New Member Meeting. Please choose one of the two available dates by answering the last question. One of our coordinators will reach out to you to confirm the details.

**There seems to be a glitch with the email reply function in Meetup; in order to avoid missed messages and delays in joining, please use the Meetup platform for replies and all communication.**

If after six weeks we have not receiving a reply or communication, your request will be removed. However, you are always welcome to send another request and attend the New Member Meeting. Please direct message our coordinators if you have questions!

Group Guidelines:

1- We are an inclusive community of homeschooling families from all walks of life and have come to homeschool for a variety or reasons and following a variety of methods. Respecting each other and all walks of life.
2- Let's continue to be one of the most polite fieldtrip groups! Remember to pay attention to tour guides, and act according to the rules of the establishment.
3- Please change your RSVP at least 48 hours in advance (unless there is a last minute sickness/emergency). Folks that organize events put forth a lot of time and energy into making an event great.
4- Events are not drop-off unless specified.
5-Please pay attention to event refund policies. Most times there is a deadline for fieldtrips and special events.

6-Dues - dues are $10 per family and are paid every 6 months in April and November. There is a minimum of 2 months free trial, and there are waivers allowed as we do not want to see anyone not join over dues.

7-Attendance - Participation is KEY!!!! Members are requested to attend at least one event every three months. Also, members are encouraged to host and organize events. When many members organize and host events it helps ensure that there are activities that members want in times and locations they can attend. It helps make the calendar full and members active.

8-Profile Picture - Please try to have a clear picture of you, the parent, it helps members to locate one another.