What we’re about
Know Wealth is a group of experts in stocks and cryptocurrencies. We are working together to share knowledge about financial literacy. Our goal is to help people taking control of their finance. With many years of experience trading stocks, and crypto, we want to make sure that new investors avoid mistakes and invest with confidence. To know more about Know Wealth, visit our website https://knowwealth.ca.
I also encourage you to join our ongoing discussion about stocks and crypto on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/IqNOLBl6KzOqRNzd.
Every Monday, we are hosting free events about financial literacy called the Monday Meltdown. During those events, we are going over different subjects related to investments. You can also expect to have speakers and private investment opportunities.
Twice a month on Wednesday, our crypto expert Ashley Wright is hosting an event (Crypto the Wright Way) with Know Wealth about cryptocurrencies. During those events, many subjects related to cryptocurrencies are covered.
Follow our Youtube Channel to watch our previous events: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd_k-ZIN1E7gAzPhQEWqlhQ/
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/know.wealth
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/knowealthca