What we’re about
2. This is not a dating Platform.
3. Person only above 21 are permitted to join and less then 55 age
4. All members information should be duly filled for approval
5. Attendance to one meet up in 2 month is mandatory to continue membership.
6. Every individual joins TRAPART on their own Free will & responsibility.
7. Every individual attends TRAPART events on their own Free will & responsibility.
8. Management is not responsible for any incidents/accidents occurring during Trapart's events and activities.
9. In appropriate behavior with any woman at any TRAPART event will face strict actions including legal.
10. Every individuals behavior at events will be monitored and action initiated against any indiscipline.
11. All members are at own responsibility to interact with individuals after TRAPART events.
12. Management does not guarantee responsibility of any individual and their character.
13. Any individual not following rules would be deleted.
14. Action will be against misbehavior by senior members also.
15. Individuals creating and spreading misleading information about members /organisers will be removed.
16. Transportation is responsibility of the individual only.
17. Following of the above rules is compulsory to continue to be the member.
A. All meetups are paid events.
B. Average budget is between INR.500-1000.
C. Venues are hired in advance to provide comfortable entry to stags also.
D. RSVP to an event confirms your participation and will be paid incase of non attendance.
E. Paid Members will have special Previleges and discount through the year.
F. Club rules applies in each club and needs to be followed.