Join us for a fun and friendly Korean and English Language Exchange hosted by the Korean-English Toastmasters Club. Instead of the usual one-to-one language exchange, we will be conducting it in an informal public speaking manner in order to train our communication and presentation skills in both Korean and English.
Whether you are looking to practice your Korean or a Korean looking to improve your English language skills, or to meet new international friends, or learn more about Korean culture, this event is perfect for you!
Engage in conversations in both languages, improve your language proficiency, and expand your cultural understanding in a welcoming and supportive environment. Don't miss this opportunity to mingle in English, make new connections, and enhance your language abilities with us at the Korean-English Toastmasters Club.
한국어와 영어 토스트마스터즈 세션에 참여해서 언어 교환도 하고 새로운 친구도 만나보세요. 만나서 영어와 한국어로 공개 연설을 할 것입니다. 같은 관심사를 가진 사람들과 함께 발표 능력을 키우고 언어 실력도 향상시킵시다!
Please come prepared with a 1-2 mins self introduction in Korean or English!
730-750 Self introduction/ ice breaker
750-8 Introduction to toastmasters
8-810 Demo prepared speech
810-815 Demo evaluation
815-830 Break
830-845 Table topics
845-9 QnA, chit chat