Welcome to the November edition of Kotlin Berlin User Group meetup! This time we are hosted by Wolt. We'll have great discussions, drinks and snacks and of course, some great mingle time.
First Talk:
Scaling Back-End Development with Kotlin
by Andrei Nevedomskii
As Wolt has grown, scaling best practices and reducing code duplication have become essential. In response, we use a set of Gradle plugins and libraries to tackle common challenges and streamline our development process. Let’s take a look at what it does and how it works.
Second Talk:
Kotlin/JVM behind the scenes
by Sergey Shkurov
In my talk, I will explore key Kotlin features that are missing in Java and examine how they are implemented on the JVM at the bytecode level. We'll delve into Kotlin-specific constructs such as null safety, extension functions, destructuring declarations, coroutines, etc., breaking down how they translate into bytecode and function within the JVM's architecture.
Third Talk:
Building Custom Detekt Rules
by Daniil Iastremskii
There are quite many problems that can be solved with static code analysis. The most common problems are solved with rulesets provided "out of the box" by the linter/code analyzer, however they leave out many technology-specific or domain-specific problems. We're going to have a look at an example of technology-specific use case: finding issues in Arrow-kt usage with Detekt to showcase that it's quite easy to build your own rules for issues you commonly comment about on code reviews or issues that seep into your codebase as bugs.
Speaker Bio
Andrei Nevedomskii
Competence Lead of Kotlin at Wolt. 14 years in IT, mostly building banking BE in Java/Kotlin. Been using Kotlin exclusively for the past 5 years.
Sergey Shkurov
Sergey is a Software Engineer working at Deutsche Bank. He started with Java in 2014, but has become a fan of Kotlin since 2019. Sergey always strives to promote the best coding practices in his workplace and share his knowledge on Kotlin.