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What we’re about

What is this Meetup about?

Kotlin Office Hours is a monthly meetup where software developers of all backgrounds who want to learn Kotlin or improve their Kotlin skills can come, share their experiences and get help with their Kotlin projects.

Kotlin is an open-source programming language developed by JetBrains and has seen an upswell of interest since it 1.0 release in 2016. It now supports not only JVM but JavaScript and LLVM architectures as well. We will have experts speaking about Kotlin and its use in these various architectures, showing their knowledge and the projects that they are working on.

Where can I find information from past meetings

Slides from all of our meetings are available on our Google Drive. Video from more recent meetings is available on our Youtube page.

Who is it for?

This meetup is for both beginners and more advanced Kotlin developers who are interested in learning more about Kotlin and in how other developers are using it in their work and projects. Any developer with an interest in Kotlin is encouraged to join this meetup.

How does this Meetup work?

Regular Kotlin Office Hours Meetups will happen on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Their usual schedule will be

• 6:30pm : Doors open
• 6:30-7:00pm : Eat and meet
• 7:00-7:10pm : Intro
• 7:10-7:45pm : Speaker / Q & A
• 7:45pm : Office Hours