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What we’re about

Welcome to the Kriya Yoga Meditation & Living Meetup. 

Yoga is the science of consciousness. The philosophy, psychology and practice of Yoga empowers us to master our minds so we can awaken to the essential nature of reality. Adhering to the path of yoga enables us to live integrated, harmonious, fulfilling lives. 

Yoga is a way of life which includes the practice of meditation as an essential tool in enabling us to discipline our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual nature. 

The three main purposes of this Meetup group are:

• To offer instruction and support to those new to yoga and yoga meditation

• To provide a space for those wishing to develop their yoga meditation and living practice

• To share the principles of yoga in line with the Kriya Yoga tradition.

To achieve these the following events are offered on different occasions:

• Online Weekly Guided Meditation - Every Wednesday - 19.00 - Suitable for all levels

• Introduction to Meditation Online Workshop (Series) - Selected Dates - Standalone Modules - 2 Hours Duration

• Easy Guide to Yoga Meditation  - Selected Dates - 4 Parts - 1 Hour Duration

• Online Weekly Meditation - To be confirmed - 1 Hour Duration - Experienced Kriya Yoga Meditators

My name’s David. I am a practitioner of Kriya Yoga. I was initiated and ordained to teach by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and spiritual director of Centre for Spiritual Awareness.

Message me if you'd like to know more about meetings, workshops, meditation or Kriya Yoga.

Wishing you the best,





Kriya Yoga Meditation and Living services are offered freely to respect the age old tradition of yoga and honour those who have generously shared their time, energy and understanding, allowing me to do the same. If you have found the services of value, I invite you to demonstrate your appreciation by giving back in one or more of the following ways:

Make a small donation offering financial support.

Inform someone you know about the services shared here.

Make a conscious effort to give to someone in a meaningful way.