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What we’re about

Welcome to the Kusudi La Adventure & Hiking Club!

We believe in purposeful adventure – adventure that makes a difference in the lives of animals, and adventure that has meaning beyond the challenge itself!

Our club is a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts who believe that adventure is the key to a fulfilled life. Whether you’re a couple in search of memorable experiences under the sun, a solo adventurer eager to make new friends or someone who’s simply looking to break free from the routine and embrace the great outdoors, we’re here for you.
Here’s what you can expect from our club:

  • Diverse Adventures: From serene hikes in lush landscapes to exhilarating climbs on majestic peaks, we offer a variety of outings to suit all levels of experience and interest.
  • Community Spirit: At Kusudi La, you’ll find a warm and welcoming group of individuals who share your passion for nature and adventure.
  • Health and Happiness: Our activities are designed not just for fun, but also to promote physical well-being and mental health through the joy of outdoor sports.
  • Sustainable Practices: We’re committed to preserving the beauty of our natural playgrounds through responsible and sustainable hiking practices.

So come join us, and let’s create purposeful adventures together!

Upcoming events (2)

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