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What we’re about

Hello and a very warm welcome to our group. We are Leeds based and try to arrange at least 3 events a month varying the days so every one gets a chance to attend. This can be either breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or evening meal and we also enjoy day trips, overnight stays or weekends away. We hope you make lots of new friends and enjoy plenty of days/nights out.
We ask members for a modest contribution of £12 per year (which is pro rata to the month you join) as Meet up charges us for the use of their web site and we hold a small float so that we are able to pay any booking fees. Please note we are a non-profit organisation so any surplus funds are are used within the group.
We do ask that you pay the relevant membership fee and attend one meeting within the first MONTH of joining. This amount can be paid by direct bank transfer to:
Lloyds Bank
Account No: 11520468
Sort Code: 30-54-66
Account name: Ladies That Do Lunch
or cash on arriving at your first meeting.
Hope to see you soon at one of our meetups,
Warm regards,