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What we’re about

We aim to help you and your communities (city, county, region) thrive across Southern California.

Every event and program we organize is designed to inspire, educate, and foster authentic and collaborative relationships.

This group is explicitly to support women in STEAM across the region. The insights gained here will carry over to every event and program Startmada - 805 Startups organizes to create a more welcoming and equitable environment for all.

The calendar includes a variety of online Office Hours with mentors and various in-person events. Expect 1 to 2 Office Hours each week.

Our online events are held on our website, Startmada. You can join for free as a Supporter using the 60-day trial. After that, we're delighted to offer you membership starting at only $2 per month, making it accessible for everyone.

We are working hard to bring you many new types of online and in-person events and expanding on what we are already doing as soon as possible, and we could use your help to make that happen. If you would like to be a sponsor or mentor, please get in touch with us through our website,

Most importantly, if you would enjoy being a co-organizer of this group, don't hesitate to contact us. We want this group to serve as a platform for you, your peers, and your work in the community.

Thank you for your interest in the community.



Upcoming events (4+)

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