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This event was canceled

Hiking Furen and Dàběikēng area Trail 福人.大北坑社區步道健行

Photo of Zhenen Ni
Hosted By
Zhenen N.
Hiking Furen and Dàběikēng area Trail 福人.大北坑社區步道健行


Don't be late. Cancellation due to Emergencies etc. by 07:30 am on that day . I won't check Meetup after that time. My cell Zhenen 0912628574 .Line ID 033218110.

We will be following the route:
貴山客家文化公園-福人步道-大北坑茶園-龍泉步道-生態野溪公園 O type

😫 Difficulty 😫

Length: 22 KM
Elevation Change: 350 m
Route Level: 2/5
Physical Level: 3.5~4/5
Step level: 2/5
Number limit: never limit the number of people free join (numbers in the itinerary represent several difficult, judged by the team leader, and provides members' reference.

Preparation 🚴

  1. Water (2L) 2. Snacks 3. Easy card 4. Mask 5. Alcohol 6. Lunch

➡️ ➡️ IMPORTANT ⬅️ ⬅️
It is hard to organize fun events. Please show respect by: 1. Obey signup deadlines. 2. Cancel early if you cannot come. 3. Come if you signed up. Breaking these rules or repeated NO SHOWs will be quickly banned from the group. It stops others from being able to participate. If something happens and you cannot come, send the organizer a note to let us know why - else you risk a ban. Thank you!


🌅 Reference 🌇

Taiwan Railway Timetable

COVID-19 safety measures

COVID-19 vaccination required
Event will be outdoor
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Taiwan Travelling & Language Exchange group
Taiwan Travelling & Language Exchange
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