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What we鈥檙e about

Join us for a fun evening with friends and games from all over the world at "La Tostadora Cafe" in Barranco this Wednesday at 7:00pm.

Happy hour on drinks for participants!

Addr: Jr, Domeyer 132, Barranco (One block from Barranco main square)

Group rules

All group members must treat others with respect and consideration. No discrimination, harassment or inappropriate behavior will be allowed at any time.

Responsible Behavior: All members must behave responsibly during events and refrain from any behavior that may endanger the safety or well-being of others.

The organization reserves the right to suspend or expel participants who fail to comply with the code of conduct or good customs.


Todos los miembros del grupo deben tratar a los dem谩s con respeto y consideraci贸n. No se permitir谩 ning煤n tipo de discriminaci贸n, acoso o comportamiento inapropiado en ning煤n momento.

Comportamiento responsable: Todos los miembros deben comportarse de manera responsable durante los eventos y abstenerse de cualquier comportamiento que pueda poner en peligro la seguridad o el bienestar de los dem谩s.

La organizacion se reserva el derecho de suspender o expulsar a los participantes que incumplan el codigo de conducta o las buenas costumbres.

Upcoming events (4+)

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