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What we’re about

The Las Vegas AI Meetup is a monthly gathering to discuss artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science. Its purpose is to provide both beginners and experts with an opportunity to learn, share ideas, and network.

Each month, we will focus on an AI-related topic, such as new tools, trends, issues, and more. We’ll begin with a short presentation or demo followed by an open discussion to answer questions, share thoughts, and network.

This is a casual and informal meetup where everyone is welcome to attend. Whether you’re just getting started, an expert in your field, or just curious about AI, please join us!

The meetup is hosted by Matthew Renze -- an AI consultant, author, and public speaker who has taught over 400,000 software developers and IT professionals.

It is also part of Tech Alley -- a community of monthly meetups that gather together for a full-day event focused on technology and entrepreneurship.