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February Meeting

From: Anita B.
Sent on: Saturday, February 6, 2016, 9:57 AM

I wanted to let you know that we still have seats available for our annual "Conference In A Day. on February 20th.

The costs is only $25.00.  Seating is limited. For more information and to register please go to our website  If you want to pay by check please mail our check to LVRWA PO Box[masked] Las Vegas NV 89137.

Conference In A Day

Ins and Outs of Romance Genres

February 20, 2016

9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Findlay Chevrolet

Community Room

3800 South Torrey Pines Dr.

Las Vegas NV 89118

Costs $25.00

*Coffee, tea, soft drinks and lunch included

** For more information and to register visit our website


Anita Boyer - Overview (How genres are used in the industry and how to make them work for you.)

Shirley Kennedy - Historical Romance

Shannan Albright - Paranormal Romance

Elizabeth Spaur - Distinction between Mystery, Thrillers and Suspense

Panel Discussion - Contemporary Romance (Kay Phoenix and Angie Shiroff)

Tami Cowden - Current trends in Romance

*** Speakers subject to change




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