What we’re about
LateNiteNetworking.com is a networking club for real estate investors and other real estate professionals. Unlike other network groups that meet early in the morning or during the business day, we're a little different... we meet up late in the evening and stay up even later!
We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the Cheyenne Grill in Atlanta from 8PM until they kick us out. These will be informal meetups where you can come and hang out for as little or as long as you want. There will be networking, prizes, entertainment, food and drink (buy your own), real estate experts, real estate agents, insurance agents, mortgage brokers, contractors and all kinds of other folks from the real estate industry. There will be no formal agenda, just an open forum to hang out and discuss the real estate industry, investing, marketing, automation, management, technology, market trends, etc. If it's about real estate, it's open for discussion! So come eat, drink and NETWORK and HAVE FUN!
Here what you need to know to attend... We welcome anyone involved in the real estate industry to attend our Late Nite Networking Meetups. While there is no charge to attend our networking events, but we do request that you put $2.00 in the collection jar for the wait staff in addition to tipping your servers generously for good service. Everyone is responsible for their own tab. There will be no selling at these monthly meetups... it's all about networking and it's all about real estate!