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What we’re about

If you want go from idea to a startup business without having to invest time and money in an idea that has a low chance of working, then join us as we go on a journey of launching lean startups.

The first thing thing to do is design your business model in the simplest way possible. Then you need to validate if people want your offer. The last step is seeing whether you have solution-customer fit. If so, it increases your chances of reaching product market fit by 10x. This playbook is from Running Lean and I'm using it right now to validate one of my many ideas.

So if you want to take your technology skills and learn the business side of startups, you're invited to join us.

PS - In the name of full transparency, I'm seeing how much interest and real engagement there is in creating a strong startup community so that I can see which city - I'm looking at 8 cities - to spend the next year helping people launch startups.

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