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What we’re about

 The purpose of this group is to listen, read and discuss the ideas and principles of some of my favorite topics: Law of Attraction (Positive Attitude) and Nonduality (Oneness).  Some say these are very different philosophies and I say not really so different.  Law of Attraction says "Thoughts Become Things".  Nonduality says there is not a distinction between thoughts and things.

My favorite Law of Attraction author is Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks.  There are many other positive thinkers:  Mike and Andy Dooley, Bashar, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robins.

In Nonduality we can find many great authors:  the Sufi poets such as Rumi and Hafiz, Rupert Spira, Mooji, consciousness, New Thought, Nonduality . It is highly recommended that you have some working knowledge of at least one of these authors. For some introduction please listen to:

Also recommended are the daily emails from Abraham and from Mike Dooley:

Questions discussed:
1. What is reality and what is our part in this?
2. Do we create our own lives or do things just happen?
3. What is consciousness?
4. Does consciousness come from matter or matter from consciousness?
5. Is there really free will?
6. How does quantum physics support eastern spiritual thought?
7. Is this universe meant to be a battlefield, a classroom or a playground?
8. Are there exercises and tools to tap into greater ability, happiness, joy and insight?

Things we don't get into:

1. Politics: because there is so much mis-information and half truths on all sides,  there is no way to discuss this.  Also it is pretty irrelevant to LOA (Law or Attraction).

2. Your problems:  This is not a support group for someone who feels victimized by life or others and needs a venue to complain about it.  Delving into these issues is a bottomless pit from which there is no return.  You can speak to me afterwards and I can point you in the direction of some great LOA exercises you can do.

Come join us for some fun and lighthearted discussion on these and other topics. 


You get what you concentrate upon. There is no other main rule. ~~ Seth 

You have come here to explore contrast in order to create and expand. ~~ Abraham 

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