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Visual notes from the last Lean Startup meetup

From: Salim V.
Sent on: Friday, August 24, 2012, 6:11 PM

Hi everyone,

Here are the visual notes you all helped create from the group interviews at the last Lean Startup London meetup:

Thanks to Jordan, Isaac and Paul for sharing their experience with us! Some great insight which we captured in the notes, like: how it's worth testing different channels because they have implications on trust, how simple MVPs can move things forward faster, and how important small batch sizes are for out-living our product mistakes.

Practical Lean Startup workshops coming up -

Rob Fitzpatrick and I are running a few Foundation Day workshops coming up. We cover really practical Lean Startup and Business Model Generation techniques to understand what aspects of your ideas will work or fail, and have clear next steps to get off the ground. And next week's is half-price at £40!



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