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What we’re about

This group is about one thing - meeting new people and learning how to country dance together!

Country dancing is pretty awesome. It’s fun, it’s easy to get into but challenging to master, and it’s an amazing way to make friends and meet cool people.

I also have a hypothesis about making it easier to get new people up to speed much faster. Group lessons are great, but they have several downsides. Private lessons are better, but very expensive.

I think you actually learn a LOT more by just dancing with people AFTER a group lesson than you do during the lesson.

So the purpose of this group is:
A) Trying to get people together to go through the process of learning this stuff TOGETHER
B) Matching people of similar skill levels to take matching skill level classes
C) Bringing people together so they can make friends to practice with after the lessons

For now, the group will only focus on two-step, one-step, and country swing. We’ll have events at dance halls and dance studios.

This group is about learning to dance and making friends ONLY. Any male group members engaging in unwanted advances will be banned with the quickness.


Also, please fill out this survey. It will help me sort out the location and scheduling demand for events:

Upcoming events (4+)

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