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February Book Club Poll, Elliot Bay Discussion before December book club

From: Julie
Sent on: Monday, November 15, 2010, 11:17 PM
I just put up the poll for February's book club. All books were winners or finalists for a Lambda Literary Award in 2008 or 2009, so they should be good. Go vote!
The poll will be up for two weeks.

I also confirmed with Elliot Bay about next month's meeting. An hour before our December book club discussion, whoever is interested will gather at Elliot Bay to hear about books we might like as well as general book club advice. The person who usually does such talks for them is lesbian herself, so she should have some good ideas for us. She'll talk for about 20 minutes, and then we'll have time for questions. That should give us plenty of time to browse until our regular book club starts at the Rose. We'll also get a discount on any books we buy that day.

Feel free to join us at Elliot Bay at 2 or just join us for our regular meeting at the Wild Rose at 3.

RSVP to the Elliot Bay pre-meeting:

RSVP to the discussion of "Mean Little Deaf Queer" at the Wild Rose.

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