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What we’re about

Welcome to Let’s Explore the Outdoors - Adventure Group.

Do you like to do outdoor activities- stay in shape - socialize well this is the group for you.

We are a very active group of men and women of all ages that lives in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia - we will be having events in those states.

We will have activities such as biking- hiking at state parks - local trails.
We will be camping at state parks - various camp sites.
When it gets really warm we will be in search of tubing areas.
We will be having some fishing events for those who has their fishing license.
Those who are experts at swimming and knows their way around boats we will be having kayaking - canoeing events.
Sometimes we may have social hour after our events- dinner - breakfast or brunch and we may hear some local bands playing at various venues.
when it gets really cold we will be going to ski resorts.
Those who are very adventurous we will be going on backpacking trips through America and throughout the world.

Those who are interested in doing online education we will be having online first aide classes.

I will need event organizers right away planing to have a huge group with lots of activities.

Big emphasis on event organizers.

We will have once a month members meetings.

Please have your group that you are part of shown public so I make sure you are a good fit.

Upcoming events (1)

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