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What we’re about

We are LeTip of Boca Raton. LeTip International is the Premier Professional Leads Organization and is clearly different and far more effective than any service club, chamber of commerce, or referral group that you could join. With over 260 chapters throughout the United States and Canada, we are dedicated to the exchange of qualified business leads amongst its members. There is only 1 member per business category and conflicts of interest are disallowed; however some occupations may have overlapping aspects. As a member, you will be given the opportunity to speak about your business, display your product or service, and discuss your company with other members. Come prepared to introduce yourself to our chapter members. You will have the opportunity to give a 30-60 second commercial about your business and to describe the type of clients and business that you need.  We meet every Thursday morning on zoom and once a month in person for a letip mixer. We get together at 7:00am for networking, the meeting will start promptly at 7:30am and ends at 8:45 a.m. If you’d like to attend a meeting where you can learn more about membership, please email us your name, phone number and business category so that we can contact you to confirm your attendance. You can learn more about us at

Upcoming events (4+)

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