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Re: [ronpaul-50] Thusday May 24th 7 p.m. REPUBLICAN PARTY MEETUP

From: Evan
Sent on: Wednesday, May 23, 2007, 10:15 AM
What I found works well when speaking to business-type people as they're walking by...  (only 3 questions):

1) Can I ask your opinion on Sarbanes Oaxley?  (this is a financial regulation act that basically EVERYONE working in finance hates)
hopefully he says he's not a big fan of it

2) Can I ask your opinion on the Patriot act?
hopefully he also doesn't like it

3) If I told you that there was only ONE man serving in gov't who voted against BOTH the Patriot act and Sarbanes Oaxley, and that this man is running for president, would you be interested in learning more about him?

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