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New Meetup: Tax Revolt Rally, Albany NY

From: Bill
Sent on: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 2:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater NYC Campaign for Liberty!

What: Albany New York Tax Revolt Rally

When: December 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Dear Friends,

Jim Ostrowski and the Republican Liberty Caucus of NY and Buffalo are staging a rally in Albany. Jim was a senior member of Ron Pauls Primary Campaign in NY. As a lawyer he drafted his ballot access papers.

Jim is now active in bringing a lawsuit against NY a anti corporate welfare suit. Video of suite provided, if you can please join him in Albany. Jims contact info is below.

noon?rally on the Capitol steps

1:30pm?oral argument, State Supreme Court, Justice Thomas Lynch, 16 Eagle St (across from Capitol)

2:30pm Dutch Treat lunch, Albany Pump Station, 19 Quackenbush Sq, Albany, NY 12207

4pm drive back home in formation

Parking?here?s a map. If you park at the Maiden St. lot, No. 8, you can pick your car up on the way to the Restaurant.

Case documents are listed below (we are updating the site and all documents will be online shortly).

Make signs:

Google ?Pork Lawsuit?

End Corporate Welfare

End the Gas Tax

Three Men in a Courtroom!

Contact: Jim Ostrowski, [address removed], (716)[masked].

Learn more here:

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