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What we’re about

Join us to decentralize and internalize personal and economic responsibility.

Amplify Libertarian Voices here:

In an election year, voting may be 1/365th of what we can do to make a Libertarian Utah, but it is incredibly important to register and vote for libertarians.
We organize like-minded people to win elections and restore a libertarian form of government. To help do this we also encourage joining your state and county party (see: for more details) and to contact your elected representatives and inform them of your support for the libertarian vote on current/upcoming legislation.

Ways to help:
:: Follow our social media and amplify Libertarian voices
:: Call upon (and become) representatives to end our proxy wars and military interventions around the world that do not serve to keep America safe.
:: Live Free and Independent
:: Respect and Care for Every Individual
:: Government based on Consistent Libertarian Principles

Upcoming events (4+)

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