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What we’re about

Living up to the greatness you’re meant for can come with a high cost when your brain feels constantly under pressure to achieve.

It’s this need to improve that drives you, but also sucks you dry when you can’t disconnect from your work or fully relax. It’s a never ending loop of frustration that’s supposed to motivate you to succeed, but actually SLOWS your progress towards your goals and creates STRESS that damages your health, personal life, and relationships in the long term, all while slowing the execution of your vision and holding you back from the greatness you’re destined for.

These are NORMAL consequences of being and ambitious human living in a success driven world!

This network provides workshops to teach strategies to create these outcomes requiring practice “in the wild” with coaching to get feedback, because it’s ACTION, not INFORMATION, that creates TRANSFORMATION.

I help Overachievers- leaders & business owners with fast, loud, critical brains applying constant pressure to achieve and work harder.

This leads to stress, anxiety, negative self talk, and overworking that leaves them stuck in a loop of frustration, overwhelm, self-doubt & fear of failure.

The pushing is supposed to create MORE progress, but actually creates slower, more painful progress towards their goals while decreasing quality of life, health, and relationships.

I help them relieve the pressure to detach their worth from achievement & approval, respond to challenges feeling level headed, and confidently take bigger risks

This allow them to achieve to their highest potential without burning out while balancing their career and personal lives and finally experiencing feelings of happiness and peace of mind as their vision comes to life.

I’m Kaitlin Wilder! I am Board Certified Behavior Analyst with a master’s degree in Education. I have 12 years of experience in teaching, coaching and behavior modification. I also put myself under constant pressure to achieve but that pressure was actually slowing me down. My progress was limited because I was so focused on what I thought was the only way—that of stress, forcing, and pushing. In 2021 after a total breakdown I retrained my mind with science of behavior and I started Wildside Behavior LLC, as a way to help others to break out of their loops and of frustration so they can fulfill their potential and achieve at their highest level.

“The biggest transformation is getting out of a cycle of thinking, It’s like you’re not drowning in the pool anymore.”

“I feel confident and courageous in pursuing things that I want to do as well as tolerating it better and more effectively. When I'm not able to achieve something that I set out to do.”

“Kaitlin is honest and direct and does not just give me things that I want to hear to reassure my own feelings. She is real and open and helped me think of the best processing points to find my own truth.”

“The biggest impact it had on my life is being able to be aware of like when I'm in a mental loop, that's not necessarily healthy for my brain. Now I can understand what the real truth is and what am I really actually feeling in that moment so that I can make more sense of how I'm feeling and take steps or actions forward instead of staying in that little loop over and over and over.”

“I’ve seen a sense of change in the way I see my relationships. I know who I am, what I'm actually caring about, and what I'm not caring about. I know I can let go versus before when I was not able to let go and things lingered in my mind over and over. still a work in progress obviously, but it's, I've become more aware of it.”

“What surprised me the most that I would get so emotional thinking about what I value. I realized I didn’t know how far away I was from them. I was surprised at how stuck I was and how emotional I got.”

"I was drawn to Kaitlin for the vibe, the sass, the cursing, and the energy. She’s magnetic, she’s very full of life and very bold, fun, and unapologetic. I feel like I have a lot of the same work ethic, desire to help, your life, but I want that ZEST!”

“I was very hesitant about the life coaching process. I'd only ever done therapy, and I’m totally down with therapy but, I wasn’t sure about this about this. It sounded really hippie dippie, and it sounded too good to be true! It's like- Wait, you can actually change your whole life? That seems impossible! But it’s TRUE!”

“My very favorite part of doing the work is that I feel better, and that the people around me feel like I'm also happier and more enjoyable to be around.”