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What we’re about

Our schools and colleges were not able to teach us key ideas and topics which were essential and foundations for our success in later and current life. Isn’t?
We even don’t know what true meaning of life is, monies, success, parent, being partner, or even about God or being spiritual.
We often utter ourselves and have feelings like…

  • We have lost our voice because we have not discovered it yet…
  • We cannot unleash our true potential …
  • I am too much occupying by my works and business so cannot keep balance in life and other roles…
  • Even doing so work hard, we are unable to become financial independent…
  • I could not grow and raise complete family …
  • I have many physical threats of being ill and victim of diseases…
  • I cannot afford to learn new skill set and mind set in college due to lack of time and monies…
  • My academic degrees and professional certificates I earned in early stages of life, are not relevant for today’s challenges to copy my personal and family issues…
  • I am too dependent on my spouse, job and others for my happiness…
  • I am too much sceptical about universe, God and religion so I don’t know what absolute truth and true peace means…
  • I don’t have opportunity to understand gaps, learn and create new life…

And many more….
Therefore, we are occupied by guilts of past and fears of future, insecure financially, diseases and illness, confused and skeptics and unrest or unhappy. Isn’t?
Good news is I’m starting an online study circle for filling this gap to become stronger and more success to win of modern challenges in those unfulfilled walks of life to become balance, successful and peaceful person.
These weekly 30-60 minutes longer online classes will fulfil gaps of dynamic roles of your life as Individual, partner, professional, parent, religious or community member or in national or international capacity.
We will be studying our regular weekly class session on Zoom and someone will contact you via email for registration / enrolment after this quick survey responses.

Please be aware that I do not provide licensed services for treatment. My groups and online events are solely for informational purposes. I am not a medical practitioner, but I am dedicated to conducting research and sharing great and influential trends, books, and the most beneficial curr and content for the wider community.
Best regards,

## Learning Outcomes:

I believe every individual is very diverse and versatile so they will need unique ideas, roadmap for success. Therefore, we aim to help and groom holistically the whole person.
After learning with me you will be able to:

  • Understanding about nature of life, purpose and being human.
  • Improving quality of happiness in the life
  • Achieving heartfelt relationships and still independent
  • Financial independent and have great sense of how to create dream jobs and become business brand.
  • Better parenting and helping your children to raise maturely overall.
  • Should be able to be saving your marriages and relationships and transform them.
  • Creating own life with own goal settings, daily routines and feelings of fullment.
  • Creating peaceful and healthy life that leads to longevity.
  • Fear free life and must not carry past and focus on present and more action-oriented attitude and body.
  • You can be more spiritual, calm and peaceful.


Stanmore, London, UK

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