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What we’re about

The intention of this meetup is to provide a focal point for those interested in learning more about Lean, Kanban, Agile and related continuous and systemic improvements. It is also intended to be a central place to announce open Lean Coffee meetups in metro Atlanta. (I.E. you can host your own lean coffee and announce it here.)

Possible meeting topics might include:

    Lean / Kanban book club

    Lean Coffee

    Game night – using games to learn and understand kanban

    How lean, kanban and software craftsmanship relate to each other

    Open discussion sessions

    Kanban for operations teams, devops


Andrew Fuqua's vision / objective for this group:

- My vision is for people to see how easy it is to set up a Lean Coffee, and how fun/valuable it is, such that they run with it and schedule their own lean coffees whenever/where-ever.

- Objective: Spread knowledge and practice of the Lean Coffee technique around Greater Atlanta. 

- Objective: Build community (general lean/agile community -- not necessarily specific isolated tight-nit communities, but nor am i trying to avoid that).

I have no desire to own it or control it, other than to ensure the prime objective above.

Having regularly scheduled meet ups at a regular location is a good idea, but someone needs to know to bring sharpies and stickies each time. There has to be enough regulars bringing office supplies to make it regular.