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What we’re about

Limón y Sal PDX - We are asocial group for Latino/x/é LGBTQ2+ based Portland OR.

Limón y Sal PDX is a vibrant and inclusive community nestled in the lush landscapes of the Pacific Northwest, catering to individuals who identify as Latine/x/o and also belong to the LGBTQ2+ spectrum. Our group is founded on the principles of solidarity, empowerment, and celebration of diverse identities.

Whether you're new to the Pacific Northwest or a longtime resident, whether you're exploring your identity or confident in who you are, Limón y Sal welcomes you with open arms. Join us as we embrace diversity, celebrate authenticity, and build a stronger, more vibrant community together.

Limón y Sal PDX es una comunidad vibrante e inclusiva ubicada en los paisajes del Noroeste del Pacífico, enfocado a personas que se identifican como latine/x/o y también pertenecen al espectro LGBTQ2+. Nuestro grupo está fundado en los principios de solidaridad, empoderamiento y celebración de identidades diversas. ¡Bienvenidxs!