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What we’re about

Welcome. As seekers on the spiritual path, we continuously hear the terms “awakening”, “self-realisation”, and the most venerated term of them all, “enlightenment”.

Those terms often mean different things to different people, depending on the spiritual tradition, and sometimes the lineage within a tradition. We have usually read countless books, and listened to various teachers using those terms. As a result, we have many preconceived ideas and concepts about what those terms mean.

We fantasise about what our life experience would be like if we could “achieve” what we have conceptualised those terms to mean. We might believe that after some wonderous mystical event, we will awaken to a permanent state of love and bliss, and never again know human suffering.

But as seekers, we have no way of knowing if any of what we have conceptualised is true. Until we see what is true for ourselves, being a spiritual seeker can be frustrating, confusing, and quite often exhausting.

It can often seem like a teacher or guru has attained something, or knows something, you do not. Some teachers appear to encourage this view. But awakening is not an acquisition, it is not about gaining more knowledge, or cleansing your defilements, and it does not belong to any tradition, lineage, path, or teacher. It is your natural state.

We often hear about awakening experiences. We may then mistakenly believe that awakening is about having a particular experience. And of course, we desperately want such an experience.

All of these misunderstandings and expectations perpetuate further seeking. In seeking for something “out there”, we overlook the simplicity of our essential nature that is already here, uncaused, open, and free.

The thought to offer these meetings arose from looking back at my seeking journey. I had many questions on the path, and no one to discuss them with. I also fell into various pitfalls on the path.

My intention is to offer a supportive space for earnest seekers to discuss questions they may have about seeking, the end of seeking, and for open and honest discussions about the many challenges of the spiritual path. In short, my intention is to offer a space I wish I had on the path.

My hope is that such meetings, without adding further so-called knowledge, may be useful for you on your journey to discovering your true nature.

Of course, it might be that falling into the pitfalls on the path is exactly what is necessary. There is no escaping what is, and we see what we see, when we are ready to see it. Nothing can be forced.

Many people enjoy the romance of the spiritual path, some are enamoured with teachers and want to cede their own authority to the teacher, some seek the embrace of a spiritual guru or “spiritual group”,some aspire to become scholars of a particular tradition, some are focussed on New Age spirituality, some are focussed on metaphysics and “soul progression”, and some are generally curious in exploring various spiritual concepts, traditions, and philosophies.

If any of that is what you are drawn to, that is fine. However, this group is not intended to cater for such interests.

This group is intended for those who have been around the spiritual marketplace, and are ready to drop all acquired spiritual knowledge, concepts, and beliefs. Including all of the stories and beliefs about who and what you are. In short, this group is for those who are ready to wake up.

Initially, one on one face to face meetings are being offered. Meetings can also be arranged via phone, Messenger video, or Skype. If there is sufficient interest, group meetings may be co-ordinated.

There is no charge for meetings, however a donation to offset the subscription fees of this platform would be welcomed.

If you have any questions about the intended purpose of the meetings, or whether they may be appropriate for you, please contact me.

A little about me:
I was an intense spiritual seeker for many years.
When the time was right, whilst on a retreat in India, I had an awakening. I saw clearly that what I had been seeking all these years had always been here, untainted, uncreated, and free. Upon seeing that, my seeking compulsion effortlessly ended. It was over.

I am not purporting to be a teacher, and I am not purporting to be a scholar of any particular tradition or lineage. I have nothing to sell, and nothing to promote. I am not aligned with any religion, faith, or group. I am only interested is speaking from perennially fresh direct seeing.

If you want to know more, please contact me.