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What we’re about

Come explore Littleton and meet some fabulous ladies at the same time! This group is an inclusive community of Littleton Ladies ages 28-45 (ish). This is a social group for anyone who wants to meet new people and build a positive community of women. Activities range from happy hour, wine and cheese to Taco Tuesday, walks, local events, and more!

Our gatherings are usually small so that members can get to know each other without feeling overwhelmed. We'll do a variety of activities and ideas or suggestions are always welcome. Please note, it is not necessary to live in Littleton to join this group, but most events will be focused around there. LBTQIA+ friendly.

RVSPs and Attendance
Please be courteous by keeping your RSVPs current. Unannounced absences/last minute cancellations create difficulties for everyone and are a bummer for people on the waitlist; please no cancellations within 24 hours of the event. 3 no-shows will result in removal from the group. Since our events are small, absences are noticed. The unexpected happens, just let me know.

I love running this group and hosting events. It costs $19 per month, paid to Meetup, for our group to stay active. I don't want to charge dues, but donations area always welcome. Venmo: @MiaVitullo

Code of Conduct
We keep it cordial so that people keep coming back.

  • Be kind
  • Use respectful language
    Please stay home if you're sick, we'll see you next time!

LGBTQ+ Friendly. Ladies = anyone who identifies as a lady.