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March 30 BIG BAND celebrates 50th Anniversary at Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, March 4, 2012, 1:04 AM
FYI - This looks like a great show for swing lovers.  I can't organize a Meetup to it because I have a previous engagement, would anyone else like to?


Meetup Message from: Burn, Member of Live Jazz (& Blues) Meetup Group

March 30 BIG BAND celebrates 50th Anniversary at Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse

Friday, March 30
BIG BAND celebrates 50th Anniversary at Berkeley's

Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse
(beautiful ballroom dance floor with risen seating)
2020 Addison near Shattuck
Berkeley, CA

50th Anniversary for

$22.50 advance;
$20.50 at the door.
$2.00 off for seniors;
half-price tix for those 25 and under..
All ages welcome. Great snacks,
Call:[masked] or order online at

The band’s new CD, “US,” will be available in the lobby.

The Junius Courtney Big Band with Denise Perrier, hailed as "a Bay Area institution," kicks off its 50th Anniversary Season with a big band dance.

Internationally-acclaimed vocalist Denise Perrier will be celebrating her own tenth anniversary with the band. The 19-piece aggregation invites all levels of dancers to stake out their piece of the Freight's great dance floor to kick-off the anniversary in stomping' style. Those who prefer to swing from comfy seating are welcome, too.

In the Bay Area, where jazz and excellent musicians abound, music critic Andy Gilbert pinpoints why the Junius Courtney Big Band stands out: it’s “an orchestra that’s keeping faith in themselves, their fans and their timeless book of classic tunes and smart arrangements.” The legacy of the Junius Courtney Big Band is based on swing and an open-hearted spirit.

In addition to the big band dance at the Freight and Salvage on March 30th, the band is preparing for two other milestone appearances in 2012 at YOSHIs Oakland (June 26th and December 18th). They’re also exploring some special productions in tribute to musicians that Junius worked with, like Perez Prado and Sy Oliver.

Junius Courtney moved to Berkeley in 1945, trumpet in hand, from New Orleans, and his music hasn't stopped since. Courtney broke the color line in Bay Area counties by fronting his simultaneous combos at country clubs for society dances. He ramped up to his big band in 1962. Gala dances and concerts kept coming through the years, resulting in the heartful, dynamic outfit led by his son, drummer Nat Courtney, that celebrates fifty years of swing throughout the year of 2012.

The Junius Courtney Big Band has been playing at the Freight for a decade. Each time the band brings a varied performance by some of the Bay Area's best jazz players that almost visibly raises the roof. A packed night of sound and fun is on tap: unique arrangements redolent of Ellington, Basie, Thad Jones, the Latin Tinge plus signature originals.

Junius Courtney, who was on stage right up to two weeks before his passing, was a great trumpet player, singer and bandleader whose essential legacy has to do with his soulful, big-hearted, open-handed spirit. That’s the legacy the Junius Courtney Big Band with Denise Perrier is keeping alive. Add to Junius' mantra, “Moving right along,” and come to the party to "Let the good times roll."

Easy parking at the Allston Garage (Allston between Milvia and Shattuck), the Center Street Garage, (Center between Milvia and Shattuck) and other locations, including the street.
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Dance at Joe's Bay Area
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Friday Night Meetup Group
625 Members • San Francisco, CA
Jazz in the City San Francisco
77 Members • San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Dance Enthusiasts
823 Dancing Enthusiasts • San Francisco, CA
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