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What we’re about

Okinawa’s Best Community connecting Foreigners & Japanese !
A range of exciting events and trips for you to experience the city with amazing people. Okinawa is much more enjoyable when shared with friends.

Join the Best Community Connecting Locals & ForeignersJOIN NOW
Our mission is to help you find connections with other people who are living in Okinawa. We believe that when we are connected with friends around us, we are happier. At OIFE we provide events such as language exchange, parties, workshops and more so that you can meet new people from different backgrounds and learn more about each other’s cultures.

※This group is for people who want to connect,make friends and learn about Japanese culture, Expats, Japanese, Students, Tourists/ Travelers are all welcome.
🌎International Events: Click here for better navigation

😲We recommend turning off notifications in the meetup page settings
(because you will receive a large number of emails about all our meetups)

If you are interested in volunteering or hosting events, please send us a message. We have many members who volunteer to help the community from time to time.
Feel Free to contact me directly :

◆[Event Terms and Conditions]

  • Participation in the Event is at the Participant’s own risk. Organizer is not responsible for any health problems
  • We are not responsible for your lost or stolen items.
  • A person attending a our event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the event organizers by contacting our organizers, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph of the person not wishing to have their image recorded.
  • By participating in our events or by failing to notify Triangle, in writing, of your desire to not have your photograph used by Tokyo International Meetup , you are agreeing to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Tokyo International Meetup from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness.
  • Any person or organization not affiliated with Tokyo International Meetup may not use, copy, alter or modify photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions. \ We look forward to seeing you at our events




[イベントの種類] 国際交流イベント:カテゴリー別でご確認いただけます


  • ネットワークづくり、ビジネス目的、宗教勧誘目的の参加はご遠慮ください。
  • 他の人の迷惑になったり、皆に不快な思いをさせる、イベントの楽しさを邪魔する行為は、固く禁じられています。

ボランティアにご興味がある場合には、ご連絡ください。都合のいい時間でコミュニティをサポートしてくれるボランティア参加者はたくさんいます。 イベントでお会い出来るのを楽しみにしています!


  • イベント開催中に傷病やその他の事故について、イベント主催者は一切の責任を負いません。
  • また参加者が他の参加者などに怪我を負わせた場合も、当事者間でご解決ください。
  • 施設内での貴重・荷物など盗難・紛失については一切の責任を負いかねます。
  • 主催者が記録した大会中の参加者の映像 ・写真・記事記録などは主催者に帰属します。
  • またこの記録のメディアへの掲載権は主催者が有します。
  • 写真・映像掲載などに問題ある場合はスタッフにお申し出ください。
  • ルールを守れない、もしくは大会参加に相応しくない行為(暴力・暴言など)があった場合は、大会参加を中止して頂きます。

More fun events cick here:
