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What we’re about

Welcome to London Craft & Chat!

If you knit, sew, crochet, stitch, applique, bead weave or work on any other textile project that’s portable enough to bring along - come and be craftily social with us!

If you want suggest an event or activity, we ask you to contact us about it. We are happy to consider ideas, so please send them our way so we can look into scheduling them. Please don’t post suggestions in the discussions area, we’ll delete those.

There is no membership fee, instead we ask for a small pay-on-arrival amount (in cash) per meetup to go towards the fee we pay to Meetup for running the group.

Here are our policies, please take a look so you’re aware:
We follow a '3 no-shows and out' policy to encourage people to change their RSVP if you can’t make it any longer (guests also count). A no-show is not turning up or only changing your RSVP to Not Going in the 8 hours prior. Please be thoughtful towards the people on the waiting list – they need a bit of notice to stand a chance of attending. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you at the next Crafts meetup!

Michelle & Giselle

PS: Sorry, most venues are not suitable for bringing a dog along (guide dogs excepted).