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What we’re about

This Meetup group was founded 6 years ago, on May 1st 2009.

Aim:  to give an opportunity to people who are interested in J. Krishnamurti's works to meet, have dialogues, and discussions together as friends  on a regular basis in London. Anyone interested is warmly welcome. The group is run by volunteers.

"Please do listen to what is being said, not as a philosophy that is being expounded,

or as a system that you have to follow,

but listen to find out the truth of the matter for yourself." J.Krishnamurti

A good "first book" to gain an understanding of Jiddu Krishnamurti's works is :

 'Freedom From the Known 'ISBN 0-06-064808-2

"The teachings are important in themselves and interpreters and commentators only distort them. It is advisable to go directly to the source, the teachings themselves, and not through any authority." J. Krishnamurti

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