What we’re about
What is it about? I have been using, following, and researching the ketogenic lifestyle for about 10 years to date 2023. Most people accept their lot when suffering from one or more chronic illnesses such as autoimmune disease, cancer, neurological/degenerative conditions, and inflammation in general. However, Keto, or the way I reframe it as our ancestral diet. Our forebearers thrived on straightforward foods like animal fats in comparison to the fats that are promoted to us today by industry which are atherogenic and positively toxic. Sally Fallon who heads up the Weston Price Foundation speaks about this(https://youtu.be/fvKdYUCUca8) this has got us where we are today. Health outcomes, take for example atopy (asthma, eczema, hayfever etc) from which so many people suffer: a great many people could benefit from following just a few basic rules to lower inflammation in their lifestyles and diets like eliminating man-made fats and carbs.
Despite the growing availability of information on the internet on ketogenic and paleo nutrition, people new to keto naturally have lots of questions and are confused about specific aspects of their nutrition. This group will offer a positive environment to discuss such questions and address all & any aspects and experiences specifically re. ketogenic, paleo & anti-inflammatory nutrition.
Why this meetup on Keto? Because keto is so transforming it reverses the insult that manufactured foods etc have on our biology, it puts to right all the things we accept as part of our genetic inheritance in the false paradigm that we follow today we are led to believe all kinds of fallacies including this one. Thankfully, there now is an increasing public awareness of the benefits of keto and/or paleo diets as a means of supporting people suffering from conditions ranging from conditions involving chronic pain to those involving neurological degeneration, from a great number of autoimmune diseases to even cancer. Fortunately, there has been a flurry of interest over the past 10 years, and publications such as keto cookbooks for eg. Martina Slajerova are a good place to start(she originally suffered from Crohn's).
Who should join? Anyone interested in a Healthier lifestyle to improve their health even after following the plethora of health advice given out there.
1. The purpose of the group is to enjoy and explore all aspects of this diet/way of life.
2. Anyone interested in a good lifestyle, sportspeople etc.
Let's discuss how the keto way of living works and how can apply and enjoy it in your life. Predating agriculture mankind has survived and flourished on natural fats, medium amounts of protein, and an extremely minimal amount of carbs(LCHF), which is why we are here. The reason our bodies readily make fat from carbs is because fat is safer than carbs, It's actually the preferred fuel for our bodies. We come with an inherited social wisdom ie agrarian point of view. So are we now just being successfully marketed to? Are we merely following the other sheep in the field and currently thinking that fat is the demon? Our bodies are homeostatic machines that need to ensure that there are no more than up to 2 teaspoons or so of sugar is in our bodies at any one time in 3.5 to 4.5 liters of blood as this leads to dangerous levels of toxicity. Insulin has to be increasingly supplied by our pancreas to maintain this equilibrium, any fat eaten whilst following a carb-based diet is blocked by Insulin and stored instead of being utilized (leading to fat storage and hunger, etc). The Insulin mechanism is not the largest or most optimal system either, it can become stressed and reject carbs. All carbs whether complex(low glycemic) or simple (high glycemic) all have the same glycemic load on our insulin system. Take a look at the research on ketosis (fat metabolism) on YouTube and all the books available. There is now an absolute abundance of research. If you're interested in exploring resetting your genetic expression by using Keto you should join us. Search online for 'Ketogenic Mania by Tony' for my Facebook page(extensive) and group(In development) Video lectures listed are by the shakers and makers (Phd Dr's etc)all of all are keto professionals.
About me. My Facebook page which I use to write new and insightful pieces is
'Ketogenic Mania by Tony'
I look forward to seeing you in future meetups.