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What we’re about

Welcome to the London LGBTQ+ Dinner Club.
We are a friendly group that welcomes everyone regardless of where you are on the spectrum on sexuality or gender identity and expression.
The group was founded by Ian, who ran the successful London Gay Men's Dinner Club for eight years and the same warmth and welcome that that group was known for is now reaching out to all in the LGBTQ+ community.
We will meet once a month to go for dinner at a restaurant in London. We will meet for pre-dinner drinks first before heading to that month's chosen restaurant. There may be months where we have a social gathering at a pub/bar but generally we will be meeting to go out for food. Restaurant recommendations are always welcome.
The aim of the group is to meet and make new friends and be a welcoming, friendly and inclusive group of LGBTQ+ people.
The one rule for dinner is that we split the bill by how many attend. This avoids awkwardness and (from years of experience) the tricky task of figuring out individual amounts. If you do not agree with this, then please do not sign-up for events.
Keep an eye out for events as they are announced on Meetup. It will be great to welcome you and any friends you have to the group.


Upcoming events (1)

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