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What we’re about

A coding dojo is a safe place to deliberately practise and develop your coding skills, and perhaps learn something new too. We don't really (read: never) stick to a strict dojo format but rather brainstorm ideas for problems to solve, choosing one by popular, if complicated, vote, and then break into teams courtesy of the London Python Dojo Fully Patented Numbering Scheme for an hour and a half of furious coding (at least, furious something). To wrap the evening up each team does a “show and tell”, and end with drinks in the pub.
All programming abilities welcome, we have diverse attendees ranging from beginners to core Python contributors!
Here's a presentation given at Europython 2011 that explains things further And a blog post: "How to Run an Awesome Code Dojo".

Come Join In

No matter if you're a dojo old-hand or have never been to a code dojo before, we welcome Python-curious folks of all levels of ability, from a diverse range of backgrounds from beginner skill level on up. This is a friendly, supportive, welcoming and fun social programming space. We expect folks to follow the Python Community Code of Conduct.