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Meetup details changed: Scala Coding Dojo - Last Dojo hosted at TIM Group. Do you want to host it in the future?

From: Sergiusz B.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 4:57 PM

Hi All

First off, I accidentally cancelled the scala dojo tomorrow. I've un-cancelled it and it's back on.

However, it is the last Scala dojo we are going to host at TIM Group right. TIM Group has hosted the dojo for as long as I have worked there (2.5 years) and I know some time before this. As the internal interest to attend the dojo and also to host it has cooled off, it has been decided not to continue to host it in the future.

I've had a great time hosting and facilitating the dojo in the last year and have met loads of great developers happy to share their knowledge in scala. It has always been very popular in the past and I definitely think it can continue to be popular at a different venue.

There is some interest (nothing certain) in taking over the hosting but not in the coming months. So therefore, I throwing it out to you in the community: Do you want to host it? You can obviously change the format/dates/food (although pizza has been popular).

If you do, please let me know or contact Andy Hicks directly and he will set you up.

With that said, I'm looking forward to the last dojo tomorrow - although I will keep an eye on the football as well ;)



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