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Poker in Camden Tuesday 14th October 2008

From: Jam
Sent on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 10:45 AM
The Victoria Pub in Mornington Terrace
No Limit Holdem Freeze out
?3 Donation
?10 for 3000 starting stack
1 Rebuy or 1 Add on
20 minute blind levels first hour & then 15 minute there after.
This will be self dealt, with a dealer dealt final table.
Registration at 7pm
START time will be 7:30pm

Small stakes cash games will be made available to those people that desire them after they have busted out of the main tourney. Latecomers are welcome to join these games also should they wish to.

If you are new to the game we will always have a beginners table available where you can learn the game free of charge.

The Vic specializes in pizzas, so if you fancy a slice of action please make sure your hands are clean if you are still playing poker.

RSVPs for this meetup are NOT binding, we simply use them as a guage of interest to see how many people we should expect on the night. So yes, you CAN just turn up and play. Hope to see as many of you there as possible!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RING/TEXT ZAM[masked] OR RAY[masked] IF YOU ARE RUNNING LATE, SO YOU CAN BE REGISTERED. WE AIM TO START PROMPTLY AT 7:00PM

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