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What we’re about

In this increasingly frantic society, the time to reconnect to our "real Self" and to reflect on existential issues is almost disappearing and the possibility of meeting other people with whom to discuss such profound topics is almost impossible. Spiritual Network is born to create an oasis where to find relief from the arid superficiality of society, a community of people who have high ideals and deep values, a network in which to grow together. Today more than ever the world needs spirituality to return to a lifestyle that corresponds to our true self. \

Spirituality as a way to listen to our inner voice, to live a life of beauty, love and friendship, spirituality as a path to harmony.
Aim of all events and workshops is to trigger a COLLECTIVE AND CONSCIOUSNESS R-EVOLUTION.
We will get inspiration from the ancient and sacred knowledge (from Christianity to Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Alchemy, Astrology, Yoga, etc.) and make it comprehensible and applicable in the daily life by using the modern tools of psychology and coaching. We will learn how to work with spiritual facts to expand our perception of reality, and transform our experience of living, by setting aside harmful and useless behaviours, and adopting behaviours that benefit ourselves and others. \

We will cover and practice several subjects including: emotional management, meditation, public speaking, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Effective and persuasive communication, transactional analysis, body language, law of Karma, law of Attraction and of Resonance, alchemic symbolism, esoteric teachings, Initiatic science, etc..
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Upcoming events (4+)

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