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What we’re about

The purpose of our group is to expand our horizons, build friendships and to experience San Antonio and it's surrounding areas through a prism of inclusivity, fun and excitement! This is a group for people who are "young at heart" (40+) who like adventure whether its hiking, camping, kayaking, ziplining, playing Pickelball, going to festivals or music concerts and/or special events. We love to hike and socialize at the end the event with refreshments and appetizers or maybe a little wine tasting. We like it when we find novel things to do and have more fun than we expected and make new friends along the way! So if you like adventure, socializing and having fun we may be a group that you're going to keep coming back to!
Now, here's the GROUP'S RULES & EXPECTATIONS. Violation of the rules will lead to a WARNING AND/OR TERMINATION OF YOUR MEMBERSHIP:
RULE 2: Please refrain from discussing politics and religion in this group, there are other groups for that! We're here to have fun and it may make other people around you uncomfortable in these polarizing times. 
RULE 3: We have not enforced the 3 strikes and you're out "No Show" Rule but when we have prepaid events it's important that you honor your RSVP. If there's an emergency, let us know asap, so we can refund your money. If it's within 24hrs or less before the event we'll talk and determine what's fair. If it becomes a problem, we'll give you a warning and then 3 strikes will land you on the Restricted List.  
RULE 4: By signing up for an event you acknowledge that you are participating of your own free will and you alone are responsible for your own safety. If you feel ill please cancel. If you've been recently diagnosed with COVID, please quarantine per the doctor's orders, we'll see you in a couple of months, oh I mean weeks.
RULE 5: Most of our events are activity driven and whether you choose to imbibe alcohol or not is up to you, but please drink responsibly. If you need us to call you an Uber/Lyft we will be glad to assist with your phone & app.
RULE 6: You must have a clear profile picture of yourself, just yourself, in which you are appropriately clothed and we can see who you are. All group photos, bikini, nude, your dog, cartoon profile photos, etc will be blocked until an appropriate photo is posted. Message Robin if you're unsure what is appropriate or not!
RULE 7: If you're carpooling with somebody, please ask the driver if you can chip in on gas or offer to drive next time or offer to buy them a drink/food at the event. However you and the driver decide it's an equitable arrangement is fine, but do not assume that it's a free ride, ask the driver how you can help with gas & parking fees!!
RULE 8: If you are going camping with the group, please bring your own food, water, tent & sleeping bag or prearrange it with a friend before you camp! Do not show up without a plan on how you're going to eat, drink & sleep!! (We are not a cruise ship!)
RULE 9: This is not Unsolicited texts and/or emails to other members in attempts to seduce and/or date will result in a warning and a 2nd complaint will result in the offender of said texts/emails being removed from the group! UNWANTED TOUCHING, THREATS OF VIOLENCE, ASSAULT, AND/OR STALKING ARE OFFENSES UNDER THE LAW AND SHOULD BE REPORTED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT and will result in immediate termination from the group. Please conduct yourself in a civil manner at all times! Our goal is to remain drama free, inclusive, and safe for all members!!

Upcoming events (4+)

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