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What we’re about

The purpose of this group is to provide a platform for individuals interested in engaging in creative and hands-on experiences, particularly centered around upcycling and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. The group aims to foster a sense of community, learning, and exploration among its members through in-person activities.
Who should join?
This group is open to individuals who have an interest in crafting, upcycling, and creating unique items from everyday materials. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn new skills or an experienced DIY enthusiast wanting to share your expertise, this group welcomes individuals from all skill levels.
Why should you join?
1. Creative Exploration: By joining this group, you can explore your creativity and engage in unique experiences through upcycling and DIY projects. It offers an opportunity to learn new techniques, exchange ideas, and gain inspiration from like-minded individuals.
2. Community and Connections: This group provides a supportive and inclusive community where you can connect with others who share your passion for crafting and sustainability. By participating in group activities, you can build new friendships, collaborate on projects, and share your knowledge and experiences.
3. Environmental Consciousness: This group promotes environmental consciousness by emphasizing the reuse of materials and reducing waste through upcycling. By joining, you can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and learn practical ways to minimize your environmental impact.
4. Skill Development: Engaging in hands-on activities like candle making, soap making, and facial mask creation allows you to enhance your practical skills. Whether you are a beginner or have prior experience, you can learn new techniques and gain a sense of accomplishment through completing DIY projects.
5. Wine and Snack Enjoyment: In addition to the creative activities, this group also offers the opportunity to relax and socialize with fellow members over wine and snacks. It adds a fun and indulgent element to the gatherings, creating a more enjoyable and social atmosphere.
Overall, this group provides a welcoming space for individuals to explore their creativity, connect with others who share similar interests, contribute to sustainability efforts, develop practical skills, and enjoy a relaxed social environment with wine and snacks.

Upcoming events (4+)

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