What we’re about
Note - We are merging this group into LA Buffy Meetup so please sign up there https://www.meetup.com/LA-Buffy
Scoobies, Browncoats, Whovians, Sherlockians, Ringers, Potterheads, Trekkies, Scapers, Smegheads, Gamers and All Fandoms - Discussion of All Things Whedonverse, Doctor Who, Walking Dead, Star Trek, Tolkien, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Farscape; books, film, television, webseries, fanfic, conventions, cosplay, SCA, gaming, computer skills and toys, plus we do that "general conversation"-thing that Muggles do, too!
We are a merger of multiple Meetups: General SciFi & Fantasy, Firefly, Buffy, Angel & Farscape groups in the Greater Los Angeles area into this single, monthly Meetup. So if you see only a few RSVPs, know that we will have many more people all together.
AS WE MEET AGAIN IN REAL LIFE we go back to our regular monthly meetings plus events planned by the members. We do many activities as off-shoots of this Single Enormous Meetup! There's many a movie-day that are attended by portions of our group! Not to mention various craft days, geek outings, etc. See who you bond with! See what further activities await you!!!
We've been active since early 2003 with a good turnout of members at each event.
Who should come? Everyone
Are newcomers welcome? Always
Why should people come? To be with people who don't look at you with blank face when you talk geek.