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Invitation to Mark Romero Concert and Social

From: gina w.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 9, 2013, 9:50 PM
Hello this is my second email blast to the wait list. I am extending the invitation to everyone on the wait list for the Mark Romero concert this Friday. I am not announcing this as I hope the people who rsvped will up date if they decide not to go. If you have already replied I have added you to the guest list for Friday nights Concert. If you would like to attend please send me and email or text with your full name and the first names of your guest/s(2 max). I am giving priority seating to members who confirm their attendance. This is a very special invitation to an intimate free house concert in my private art gallery. Mark Romero is a sought after world class musician. I will have complimentary light appetizers, wine and cold drinks. The Gallery is the perfect place to Meetup and socialize! Email me direct [address removed] or text[masked]

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