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you really don't want to miss!!!

From: Pablo"AKA" "CharlieSoWhat?!! "
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2007, 2:44 PM
I know , with all this weekend , with all the Hot parties, ICE Breaker, what ever....hey you also don't want to miss this, Come on.....If Right now...I been telling you have the chance to meet you favorite, Singer, Band, .....well guess what, no we don't have a concert of you favorite singer, band.....but we have a bunch, very much good as you favorite band or singer......anyway, what I been try to tell you .......if you don't have any plans, so, plan to have fun , and rock ....this Saturday.....hey join me you will not regret it! don't be a couch potato, and lets Kick this weekend for Fun,....I mean friendly, respectful, fun.....No Flakes allowable......


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